Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Taking to the Couch

What I do: drive grandma to the doctor, wash breakfast dishes, stare at my macbook, play my guitar.

What I don't do: read, socialize, exercise.

What I don't mind not doing: driving to/on campus, parking in structures or meters, paying utilities.

I think I'm somehow getting closer to being able to write a best seller so I don't have to teach the story of Zeus and Io to 15-year-olds for a living.

Last Thursday, guy at the Biola lecture series thing said that our only significance in life is to overcome evil with good. Where and how we do it is another thing entirely.


  1. The last quote got me...wow. I know that I have a purpose (blah blah blah) but it actually gave me insight into my own life. I miss you giving me insight.

  2. in the immortal phrase of e. campell garner, "wtfwjd?"

    p.s. i have found that one can also overcome some forms of evil with the stain-fighting power of extra strength tide detergent (now with color safe bleach)
